Lankavatara beach

Pristine beach and endless sunshine
The beaches in Tangalle region are in the world's top 10 most beautiful beaches. They are well known for 500 kg turtles that come out to lay eggs at night! Going to the beach at our hotel, you can walk many kilometers and not meet anyone on your way. This is the unique feature of Kalametiya.

Relax and experience local living
You can just relax by the ocean in comfort, contemplating its endless expanse. Or you can join local fishermen in helping them pull the net out of the ocean. As a reward, you will receive a portion of the catch and our chef will cook it for you for dinner! If you are lucky, you may come across giant turtles that crawl ashore directly across from the hotel to lay their eggs.
All Colours of the ocean
Day or night, winter or summer, sunshine or rain - one quality of the ocean never changes: it is always beautiful and colourful.
Why not stay the night?